Meal Kits

Our Kits

Grappy presents an advantageous solution that offers fast home delivery, facilitating your organization and family planning and betting on more environmentally friendly solutions. Among the solutions most appreciated for their quality are the food kits, such as: Kit Argentinian, Kit Portuguese, Kit Asian, Kit Americaburguer, Kit Vegetarian, Kit Mediterranean, among others.

And why are the meal kits worth it?

  • Because you won’t have to worry about knowing all the ingredients;
  • Because they arrive in exact proportions;
  • Because in no more than 30 minutes your meal is ready;
  • Because they are delivered to your home quickly after your order.

Don't waste time going to the supermarket

Make planning


Your favourite low carb meals

Entregas gratuitas para compras antes de 31 de julho!

Oferta exclusiva para valores acima de € 19.99
